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1) Where is OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY (ODU) located?

MAIN CAMPUS: The main campus of Old Dominion University is located in Norfolk, the State of Virginia, in the United States of America. ODU provides leadership to the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Nation in teaching, research and service. ODU's main campus is located near one of the world's major US seaports, a locus of national and international military commands, and the home of a culturally diverse population.

OTHER SITES: Old Dominion University also delivers its programs of study and research at other "distance sites" accross the State of Virginia and Nationwide. The University uses a dynamic network of locations at Higher Educations Centers, Community Colleges, Military Bases, and Private Corporations in order to facilitate educational programs to "in-State" and "out-of-State" students.

2) Why is ODU's Motorsports Program offered in Martinsville, VA?

Because Martinsville and its surrounding areas have been declared the “Motorsports Alley” of Virginia. Raceways, speedways, motorsports facilities, and state-of-the-art motorsports laboratories make possible to deliver quality education and training in this field.

In addition, Old Dominion University is aggressively implementing new academic infrastructure and partnerships in the area of Martinsville. They are designed specifically for motorsports education and research, and allow ODU to offer programs at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels.

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