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Glen Sussman









IS795/895 Home

International Studies 795/895
The Politics of Climate Change:  Comparative Perspectives
Spring 2016

Classroom:  BAL 7009
Tuesday, 4:20-7 pm

Professor Glen Sussman
Office:  BAL 7034
 Office Hours:  Tuesday 3:20-4:20 or by appointment
   Email:  gsussman@odu.edu 


                      Polar Bear Earth Day                                                 

A warming of the planet and the resulting change in climate patterns have become major environmental issues in the twenty-first century.  However, while the scientific community has shown that human activities are largely responsible for the buildup of greenhouse gas emissions associated with global warming, lawmakers at the national and international levels have been unable and/or unwilling to pass viable legislation at home or to craft an international climate change treaty to address the problem.

This seminar will examine the science of climate change and then focus on political actors involved in the lawmaking and policy-making process and how they have responded to this global environmental challenge.  The seminar will take a comparative perspective by examining and analyzing the actions taken (or not taken) by leaders in several selected countries:  United States, Canada, Russia, Japan, China, Australia, United Kingdom, India and the EU.

In short, attention will be given to the domestic policymaking process, international diplomacy, policy trends, and the increasingly serious consequences of global climate change including sea level rise among others.


 Course Goals

  • Understand the concepts, participants, and institutional arrangements asociated with the politics of climate change using a comparative perspective
  • Improve analytical skills
  • Gain a better understanding of the linkage between science, politics, policy-making, and climate change

Course Announcements

  • Honor Code and Code of Student Conduct:  Students should be mindful of the Honor Code and the code of student conduct.  See the University Catalog.
  • Sexual Harassment:  Sexual Harassment will not be tolerated.  Be mindful of the University policy on this matter.  See the University Catalog.
  • Accomodation of Students with Disabilities:  If you need assistance anytime during the semester, classroom accomodations will be provided.  Consult with your instructor, in private, at the beginning of the semester. See the University Catalog.


Students are encouraged to contact his/her instructor during the semester.  Be mindful that students are required to use their ODU e-mail account when communicating with your instructor.

Course Evaluation/Student Opinion Surveys

Student course evalatuions are conducted online near the end of the semester.  You will receive reminders from the University at that time encouraging you to complete the evaluations of your courses.  You input is very helpful to the instructors, the college, and the university. 

Your instructor strongly encourages you to take a few minustes to complete the evaluation of all of your courses taken during the semester.