Old Dominion University
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Glen Sussman











Professor Glen Sussman (gsussman@odu.edu)

BAL 3070, MWF, 1-1:50 pm

Phone:  683-3857

Office:  BAL 7034

Office Hours:  Monday and Wednesday, 2-3:30 pm or by appointment

Political scientists Michael Kraft and Scott Furlong define public policy in the following way:  "what public officials within the government, and by extension the citizens they represent, choose to do or not to do about public problems."  The purpose of this course is to better understand the public policy making process.  As social scientists we want to examine what policies have been made by government, what factors might account for these policies and what effect specific policies have on the public.  The course begins with an overview of the public policymaking process followed by an analysis of several policy issues as case studies.

Course Goals

1.  Increase the understanding of the concepts, themes, theories and political actors involved in the policy-making process

2.  Improve descriptive and analytical skills

3.  Improve writing skills

4.  Improve verbal communication skills

5.  Improve academic interaction between students

Course Requirements

1.  A Midterm exam and Final exam.  

2.  Policy Paper.  See section on "Policy Paper."

3.  Policy Paper presentation (see #2 above)

4.  Student Group project.  See section on "Student Group Project."

5.  Policy-Making Quiz.  See section on "Student Group Project."

6.  Participation in class discussions.

Course Announcements

  • Honor Code and Code of Student Conduct:  Students should be mindful of the Honor Code and the code of student conduct.  See the University catalog.
  • Sexual Harassment:  Sexual harassment will not be tolerated.  Be mindful of the University policy on this matter in the University catalog.
  • Accomodation of Students with Disabilities:  If you need assistance, classroom accomodations will be provided.  Consult with your instructor at the beginning of the semester.  See the University catalog.
  • Do not be disruptive during class (e.g., talking, arriving late, texting).  Excessive distrubances will result in 5 points being deduced from your final point total.  On exam days, smart phones must be turned off. 
  • I encourage class participation.  Feel free to laugh at my jokes.  In fact, I encourage it.

Comment about Attendance

Regular class attendance is expected for all students.  If you miss six (6) classes, your final grade will drop one-half step (e.g., a B- becomes a C+).  Arriving on time is expected as well.  Severe tardiness (5 or more times) will result in a one-half step reduction in your final grade. 

E-mail Communication

Students are required to contact the instructor using their ODU e-mail account.

Course Evaluation

Student course evaluations are conducted online at the end of the semester.  You will receive reminders from the University near the end of the semester encouraging you to complete the evaluations of your courses.  Your participation in this evaluation process is very helpful to the instructors, the college and the university.