Old Dominion University
A to Z Index  |  Directories

Thomas Socha

COMM-495/595: Positive Comm.

COMM/GEOG 695: Comm,Geog,& Food

COMM 601

COMM 624

COMM 302

COMM 427/527

COMM 326

Course Policies


Attendance. It is very important to come to class as well as group meetings scheduled outside of class. Keep me informed, especially about extended absences since you may miss a structured experience.


Missed Quizzes. Missed group quizzes can be made up ONLY when you have missed a quiz due to circumstances beyond your control. If you would like to make up a missed quiz, you must submit a written petition to your group requesting a missed quiz waiver to allow you to take the missed group quiz as an individual. If a waiver is granted by your group, and affirmed by the instructor, you can make up the quiz as an invididual. Your grade for the made-up quiz is calcualted as an average of the grade you earned and the group's grade for the quiz. A maximum of two missed quiz waivers per student will be considered during the course.  


Late work. Work that is turned in anytime after a deadline is late and adjustments to the assignment's grade will be made to compensate for the additional time taken to complete the assignment. One half-letter grade will be deducted for each 24-hour period a paper is late (this includes weekends). This penalty can be waived by the instructor in the event of circumstances beyond a student's control and reasonable notice. 


Academic dishonesty.  All must abide by the university Honor Code.  Failure to do so for a given assignment will result in at least a failing grade for that assignment and notification sent to the University Hearing Officer. For group-level assessments each individual is required to come prepared and fully participate in the assessment experiences.


Privacy. Posting of exam results and final grades to the course website is with students' written permission only.


Incompletes. An incomplete will be given only under very serious circumstances and when 80% of the work for the course has been submitted. Please see the Instructor.